Tuesday, December 23, 2008

it'5 n07 u, i7's m3.

Look. We need to talk.

I know I've been pretty distant lately. You probably feel like I've been slipping away, maybe even blogging elsewhere. I can tell you with one hundred percent honesty - you're the only blog in my life. Sure, I send emails to friends from time to time, and you know I text incessantly, but that was established going into this thing. And don't act like I'm the only blogger you host. I just read philosophicaldrunk.blogspot.com. White supremacy? Real classy, blogspot. Real classy.

Come on. It's the holidays. We're both crazy busy right now. I've been doing a lot of stuff IRL the past few days. Is that so wrong? You know, this shouldn't just be a one-way street - I've been the one putting myself out there in your digital world, with all those 0's and 1's. "Ooh, look at us, we're binary". I don't see you making any effort towards abiogenesis. You just sit there, like you're just, I don't even know, processing everything I say. Very noble of you, your dedication and all, but would it kill you to spontaneously emerge with corporeality once in a while and get a beer with us at PJs? So that would kill you? Okay, fine, no, I see how it's gonna be.

I guess this will be a relationship of convenience then. I'll blog when I have the time, and if you feel like posting it, you know, that's up to you. But so help me God, if I ever, ever, see you with that yellow 'under construction' icon with the dude digging? Wow. Let's just say wordpress.com has been looking prit-ty good lately...

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