Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We Sorta Found Aliens. So...

Probably the most famous person that will ever exist, ever, like always, will be the first person to punch an alien that's making moves on his girlfriend, right in the middle of a party after the music has suddenly halted. It looks like we just came one step closer.

I realize if I were to ask you which of Saturn's moons you'd believe would be the most likely candidate to host life, you'd say Titan. Same here. But we'd both be wildly wrong. If I then said "okay, but who would be in second place?", you'd probably offer Calypso. Ditto. Third? Paaliaq, right? And so on, until you finally got to Enceladus, at which point I wouldn't say "yes", I'd just smile, and you'd know that you totally nailed it.

Yup, little ol' Enceladus seems to have an ocean beneath its icy crust with particles emanating in water vapor that could be conducive to the creation of life. Or, as I read it, "WE FOUND ALIENS, SNITCHES!!!!"

Sometimes it's hard to fully comprehend such high-level scientific breakthroughs on a normal, everyday level, as the math is astronomical and the implications even more so. Even if the calculations were shown to us, it's unlikely we'd grasp the fundamental reasoning behind it. I have no counter to this point; it's actually rather unsettling.

Anyways, it's good news. It just means more opportunities for supercool-looking pets. That's not to say I'm getting tired of my giraffedog, but let's just say she's not getting any younger.

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